Shenton Primary School

Empowering and nurturing young minds to achieve excellence


News Bulletin May 2024

 Dear Parents,

    I hope you are well and enjoying the warmer weather. Below is some important information, so please read all sections carefully.

The children are continuing to learn well, with Y1 preparing for their phonics test, Y4 their times tables test and Y6 for their SATs. All other children will be taking end of year tests through this term too. Most of these tests are to help us, as teachers, to see how well your child has learned this year, and to make sure we provide the support they need as they continue to progress. We will share this information with you, in your child's end of year report.

    We are still in the process of converting to an Academy and becoming part of Attenborough Learning Trust. There are still some legal issues that need to be resolved but we are hopeful this will be completed in the next couple of months. I will let you know as soon as we do! A perfect time to join as a school Governor (please see below) if you have the time.

    There are also lots of exciting events coming up this term, too. The children will be taking part in lots of sporting competitions, we also have a Maths competition coming up and the Summer Fayre which I hope you will be able to attend.

     As always we are here to help you, and to ensure your child achieves their very best. If you have any ideas, questions or concerns please come and talk to us.

With regards,

Ms Gita




School budgets have been effected by a number of factors, which have also impacted on us at Shenton. In the media, you will know that inflation has raised prices for everything, this has had a significant impact on us.  Additional money from the Government has not been enough to cover the increased amount.

We are in the process of making some very hard and difficult decisions. We have always protected children's opportunities and will continue to offer what we currently provide. Whilst we have kept prices for breakfast club, after school clubs and trips as low as possible, we will be unable to offer subsidies in to the next academic year. I know that for a significant number of our families this will be a challenge. I will write to you further about this before the end of term, so that you can budget for any increased costs.

If you have any views or ideas that we should consider before making final decisions, please let one of our Governors or myself know. You can come in and talk to one of us, phone in or email.




 Term Dates

27th May - 31st May - Half Term

3rd June - Teacher Training Day

10th June -Year 6 class photo

21st June - Summer Fayre

24th June (pm) - KS1 Sports Day

25th June (pm) - Year 3 & 4 Sports Day

26th June (pm) - Reception Sports Day

28th June (pm) - Year 5 & 6 Sports Day

28th June - Reports to parents/carers

9th July (1.45pm) - Year 6 performance to Parents

11th July (2.00pm) - Year 6 Awards Ceremony


Nuts in school

We have an increasing number of children who have nut allergies.  This is a reminder that we are a nut free school, so please ensure that you do not send anything in your child's packed lunch that contains nuts.

Thank you for your understanding.



Parent Volunteers

 We are urgently looking for volunteers who can accompany children on school trips.

You will have the opportunity to visit exciting places and your entry fee will always be paid.  These exciting trips are to help the children with their learning, and we must also make sure they are safe. We have created a checklist of requirements for you to think through, so that you can see if you are able to help us.  These are:

  • Can speak fluently in English
  • Will show a calm and caring attitude towards the children
  • Will act responsibly at all times putting the children’s needs first, for example ensuring mobile phones are on silent or switched off

If you are interested please come and see Mrs Thakrar at the office.

Year 6 SATs

The Key Stage 2 SATs tests for this academic year will commence the week beginning Monday 13th May 2024.

We are very proud of the commitment and hard work shown by children in the past few months.  

To ensure the SATs week runs smoothly for children, below are a few reminders and recommendations:

  •  Ensure your child is well rested and has a healthy breakfast every day.
  •  Ensure your children arrives at school on time. We are unable to delay the tests.
  •  Help your child with their revision.
  •  Encourage and motivate your child, making sure time is spent talking to them about  their day.
  •  Remind each other that positivity and perseverance are key to success!

Good luck and best wishes to all of our year 6 pupils.


Old Tablets

During Covid the school bought a large number of tablets to ensure your child could access online learning. We have approximately 80 of them.

Due to the age of the tablets, they are no longer effective for us to use in school as part of the IT curriculum.

We have been identifying families who have asked previously, or who we know are facing challenging circumstances to give these tablets to. We are giving them away free of charge, and hope that they will last for a year or so.

We have only just started, and will continue until we run out. We are prioritising older children first.

If you have any questions, please ask.


Parent Governor Vacancies


We are hoping to recruit new Parent Governors to join our Governing Body.

The governing body is responsible for both the overall strategic direction of the school and for promoting high standards. It is a way of giving back to our community that will help all of our children.

If you have an interest in the school, an interest in the welfare of our pupils & community, and have the time and willingness to get involved, you are the person we are looking for.  

Governors need to be able to commit to two termly meetings in the evening, and at least once during the academic year be able to visit the school to see what is happening, reporting back to all Governors.

 Governors are volunteers who give time to benefit the whole school community.

 If you would like further information, or would like to volunteer please email me, Ms Gita.


                                         Thank you in advance for your support.


Summer Fayre

This year's summer fayre will be held on Friday, 21st June from 1.30pm until 4.30pm. You will be able to collect your child from their class at 1.30pm.

If you would like to book a stall, please come to the office for further details.

Book early to avoid disappointment


Clothes Recycling

Please remember that if you have any clothes, bedding or any household textiles you can pop them into the recycling bank at school.  We will be sending bags for you to put the items into, however you can use any bin bag you have at home.

Please support us to raise funds for school.


Pupil Attendance

We still have a large number of parents that take their children on holiday or have unauthorised absence during term time .  Please be aware that there are some major changes coming into effect to the penalty notice procedure:

From August 2024 - Penalty Notices will increase to £160 per parent per child (discounted to £80 if paid within 21 days).  If there is occasion to issue a second Penalty Notice for unauthorised leave of absence within a rolling 3 year period, it will be issued at the higher rate of £160 per parent per child, with no opportunity to pay at the lower level.  A Penalty Notice cannot be issued if there is a third occasion of unauthorised leave of absence in the rolling 3 year period and it is highly likely that the local authority will take direct prosecution action in the Magistrates’ Court which can result in you receiving a criminal conviction.  Please also be aware that any cases of extended periods of unauthorised absence, linked to holidays or trips away, are highly likely to result in prosecution action by the local authority.

If your child has unauthorised leave of absence prior to the end of the summer term in 2024, you will either be issued with a Penalty Notice of £120 per parent per child (discounted to £60 if paid within 21 days), or, your case will be referred by the Local Authority directly to the Magistrates’ Court.