Shenton Primary School

Empowering and nurturing young minds to achieve excellence



Dear Parents/Carers,

     I hope those of you who were celebrating Eid, had a wonderful time with family and friends. The children have been sharing what they did, and it has been lovely to hear.

As we rapidly approach the end of the academic year, there is a lot happening and I hope you will be joining us for some of the events coming up. We hope the weather will hold out for us too so that the children can enjoy all of the end of year activities like Sports Days.

You will also receive a written report on your child's progress in the next couple of weeks. I hope you will feel proud of their achievements, as always we are here if you wish to discuss your child's progress so please make an appointment if you feel this is appropriate.

We will write before the end of term indicating which classes will be taught by which teachers, and which class rooms your child will be in. In the meantime, remember we are here if you need anything. If we can't help you ourselves, we will do our best to find you someone who can.

With kind regards,

Ms Gita


Ms Lad will be leaving us at the end of this academic year to become Headteacher of Sandfield Close Primary School. I know this will be a surprise, and that you will miss her as much as we will, for everything she has done for our school community.

Ms Lad started at Shenton in August 2001, she has been with us for 23 years! In that time, she has supported our school community with dedication and the belief that all children should achieve their potential. She will be very much missed and we wish her well in her future career.

Ms Sidat-Motala will be our new Deputy Headteacher from the start of the next academic year. She has built strong relationships with many of you through her role as Year 5 & 6 Assistant Headteacher, ensuring your children achieve high standards year after year. We are looking forward to Ms Sidat-Motala taking on this new role in supporting children across the school.


We are an Academy and full Member of Attenborough Learning Trust

As of 1st June we are now officially an academy and part of Attenborough Learning Trust. Together as a group of schools, we will work together to support our whole community, and we are excited to be a part of a strong future for us all. If you would like further information about the trust please click here Home - Attenborough Learning Trust 

I will keep you updated with progress and community events through the next academic year.

Term Dates

21st June - Summer Fayre

25th June (pm) - Year 3 & 4 Sports Day

26th June (pm) - Reception Sports Day

27th June (pm) - KS1 Sports Day

28th June (pm) - Year 5 & 6 Sports Day

28th June - Reports to parents/carers

9th July (1.45pm) - Year 6 performance to Parents

11th July (2.00pm) - Year 6 Awards Ceremony

12th July - School Closes at 3.10pm for summer holidays

Changes to the Penalty Notice Process for unauthorised absence

Summer Fayre

The summer fayre will be held on Friday, 21st June from 1.30pm until 4.30pm.

There will be stalls selling food, cakes, jewellery and clothes, as well as fun games for everyone to take part in, come along and bring your family and friends.

You will be able to collect your child from their class at 1.30pm so you can take them around the Summer Fayre. Once you have taken your child from class it is your responsibility to look after them and take them home.



School lunch - Price Change

We have been advised by Leicester Traded Services that the price of school lunches for pupils in year 3 to 6 is increasing in the new academic year.  The price will be £2.65 per day.

Pupils in reception to year 2 will continue to receive universal free school meals that are funded by the Government.

If you are in receipt of certain benefits, you can apply for free school meals.  Please see the office if you have any queries about this or complete an online application on:

Exciting Opportunity

Parent Governor Vacancies


We are hoping to recruit new Parent Governors to join our Governing Body.

The governing body is responsible for both the overall strategic direction of the school and for promoting high standards. It is a way of giving back to our community that will help all of our children.

If you have an interest in the school, an interest in the welfare of our pupils & community, and have the time and willingness to get involved, you are the person we are looking for.  

Governors need to be able to commit to one half termly meeting in the evening, and at least once during the academic year be able to visit the school to see what is happening, reporting back to all Governors.

 Governors are volunteers who give time to benefit the whole school community.

 If you would like further information, or would like to volunteer please email me, Ms Gita.


                                         Thank you in advance for your support.


Parent Toddler Group


We have had a very successful year with our parent-toddler group this year. Both parents and the young children have made new friends, and the children have had a chance to play with toys and equipment they may not normally.

From next academic year there will be a small charge of £1 per session. We will keep you informed of dates and when the group will re-start in the Autumn Term.


We have been successful in our application for an exemption from an act of daily Christian worship. This exemption will last for last for 5 years.


As a school, this means we can continue to respect all faiths which are reflected within our school and wider community. Our daily act of reflection, or worship, involves sharing information about religions from a multi-faith perspective where stories and ideas are drawn from major world faiths. We also include folk stories, legends, fables and the lives and acts of those who have made a significant contribution to the global society in which we live. These are used as a source of inspiration and an example for the children to reflect upon. This also contributes to their knowledge and understanding of the world.