Shenton Primary School

Empowering and nurturing young minds to achieve excellence

Emergency School Closure


Closure or part closure of the school will only be used as a last resort and only in circumstances where opening would either be impracticable or dangerous. The decision to close is to be made by the headteacher following consultation and a risk assessment made with the premises officer, Chair of Governors (if practicable) and other relevant colleagues, depending on the nature of the emergency. Every effort will be made to make the decision at an appropriate time to enable parents/carers to make alternative arrangements, whilst allowing a reasonable amount of time to allow full consideration of alternative arrangements.


The school will advise parents as soon as possible through app messages, and a sign will be placed on the main entrance. 

 Please make sure the contact details we have for you, at school, are up-to-date. Please let us know of any changes e.g. address, phone number, as soon as possible.

Children arriving with parents/carers will be asked to return home. Children arriving unaccompanied will be brought into a suitable, supervised space in school whilst attempts are made by the school office to contact their parents.