Shenton Primary School

Empowering and nurturing young minds to achieve excellence

Child Absence

It is very important that your child attends school regularly. Regular attendance and good timekeeping are essential life skills. Attending school regularly also ensures your child is taught the full programmes of learning in each year group, which then gives each child the opportunity to achieve their true potential.

Please read our Attendance Policy carefully.

Although there is no right to any absence from school during term time, the merits of each individual request will be evaluated by providing answers to specific questions and the impact on your child’s overall attendance will be assessed. If assessment suggests your child’s overall attendance would fall below the 95% target no absence can or will be authorised.

 Penalty Notices have been increased to £160 per parent per child (discounted to £80 if paid within 21 days).  If there is occasion to issue a second Penalty Notice for unauthorised leave of absence within a rolling 3 year period, it will be issued at the higher rate of £160 per parent per child, with no opportunity to pay at the lower level.  A Penalty Notice cannot be issued if there is a third occasion of unauthorised leave of absence in the rolling 3 year period and it is highly likely that the local authority will take direct prosecution action in the Magistrates’ Court which can result in you receiving a criminal conviction.  Please also be aware that any cases of extended periods of unauthorised absence, linked to holidays or trips away, are highly likely to result in prosecution action by the local authority.

The form to apply for an extended leave of absence can be found here.



            ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/24                               ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/25




Bank Holiday

School open


 Mid Term Break


School closes




Monday 28th August 2023

Wednesday 30th August 2023


Monday 16th October – Friday 20th October 2023


Friday 22nd December 2023 at 3.10pm




Bank Holiday


School opens


Mid Term Break

School closes



Monday 26th August 2024


Wednesday 28th August 2024


Monday 21st October – Friday 25th October 2024


Thursday 19th December 2024 at 3.10pm




School Opens


Mid Term Break


School Closes



Tuesday 9th January 2024


Monday 19th February – Friday 23rd February 2024


Friday 22nd March 2024 at 3.10pm 




School Opens


Mid Term Break


School Closes




Tuesday 7th January 2025


Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February 2025


Friday 11th April 2025 at 3.10pm 



School Opens


May Day


Mid Term Break



School Closes








Monday 8th April 2024


Monday 6th May 2024


Monday 27th May – Monday 3rd June 2024

School re-opens Tuesday 4th June 2024


 Friday 12th July 2024 at 3.10pm








School Opens


May Day


Mid Term Break


School Closes




 Monday 28th April 2025


Monday 5th May 2025


Monday 26th May – Friday 30th May 2025


Friday 11th July 2025 at 3.10pm





Bank Holiday

School Opens

Mid Term Break


School Closes



Monday 27th August 2018

Thursday 30th August 2018

Monday 22nd October  - Fri 26th October


Friday 21st December 2018 at 3.00pm