Shenton Primary School

Empowering and nurturing young minds to achieve excellence

SHENTON Year 1 TO Year 6 Curriculum


At Shenton we provide a rich, broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that is exciting and motivates children to learn.


“I truly believe the only way we can create global peace is through not only educating our minds,

but our hearts and our souls.” 

Malala Yousafzai

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” 
Nelson Mandela


We have thought carefully about how we have constructed our school curriculum, below you will find a full copy of our Curriculum Policy. Further down the page you will also find a curriculum overview of what your child will be learning in each year from Y1 to Y6, throughout the academic year.

Underpinning our curriculum are the school values of respect, confidence, collaboration, communication, perseverance and enquiry, which the children helped to develop. These support our work in ensuring that our environment and the opportunities we provide at Shenton, promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and enable it to flourish. Our aim is to develop confident and resilient children who are able to successful and meet the demands of modern society.

Our curriculum is adapted to meet the individual needs of children, their previous schooling experiences and their knowledge of the English language. We consistently aim to build on the children’s previous learning and engage them in a level of work that is both challenging, motivating and appropriate to their needs. This enables us to ensure every child makes the progress they are capable of with the teaching they need.

Many of our children come to Shenton from all over the world, and this flexibility helps us to provide the learning that they need. Our curriculum is accessible to all children under the Equality Act 2010 including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. At the same time we aim to meet the needs of our children, ensuring they are fluent in the English language. 

Our curriculum is enhanced by a variety of opportunities for the children as their interests and skills develop. Please read here to find out more.

If you would like more details or are wondering how to help your child at home, please click here.

Assessment & understanding 'grades' given


When talking to your child we will be talking to them about their next steps or targets so they know how to improve. These targets will also be shared with you at Parents' Evenings, although you are always welcome to come in and ask your child's teacher what your child's current targets are. This is particularly important if you are using a tutor to give your child additional support. You could also direct any tutors to the school website so that they can see relevant policies on how we teach children, and use similar methods so that your child does not get confused. If in doubt, please come in and talk to us.


At Shenton we will also be reporting to you as parents using the following system. This will help you to identify whether your child is making progress and also where your child is compared with Government expectations for children of a similar age.


We will use the following terms to report to you: Beginning (B),   Working Within (W),    Secure (S)


Each year group has it's own programmes of study, so the above terms will be linked to the year group your child is working on. 

For example if your child is learning at a Year 1 level, you could be told your child:

  • is beginning the Year 1 curriculum = Y1B (Year 1 Beginning)
  • has learned some of the Year 1 curriculum = Y1W (Year 1 Working Within)
  • has nearly learned all of the Year 1 curriculum = Y1S (Year 1 Secure)

This pattern is repeated for all year groups, giving a scale of:

Y1B - Y1W - Y1S       Y2B - Y2W - Y2S       Y3B - Y3W - Y3S       Y4B - Y4W - Y4S       Y5B - Y5W - Y5S       Y6B - Y6W - Y6S


This grading system can be explained to you, please ask during parents evenings, or come in at any time, if you are unsure.